Wednesday, June 13, 2007


What does MEC stand for?
Muticultural Education Coordinator.

Where can you find the MEC's office at St George College?
Bulding F Ground floor room 28

When can you see her?
Monday 9:30am--1:00pm
Tuesday 9:30am--1:00pm

How can you contact her?
write messeze put it on door to contact number: 9598 6251

What type of help does she offer? (You'll have to listen to the whole interview to answer this question)
offer servese for students.
How to go to college.
What does EFS stand for?
It stand for English couses.It's a full time class.
nursing .Other couse.

Name a couple of ESP courses running this semester.
Financial services.Certificate 111. acounting certificate 111.

What does ESP stand for?
What makes ESP different to mainstream courses?

What course is just starting for women?
Do they always offer the same courses?

What do they teach in the course Playgroup Course for South Pacific and Maori participants?

Why does Rosa say Katarina's job is really full time?
She is really busy all day.

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